
EPIC HOMESCHOOL NETWORK INC. is a faith-based educational nonprofit organization. Our desire is to enrich, enhance and empower home education in the community.


  1. Connection: You are connected to a larger group banded together on a mission to empower your homeschool! You will not only connect with other homeschooling families but you will get weekly emails to keep you informed with what’s happening in the community.
  2. Field Trips: Members of the network get access to our monthly field trips, as well as discounted (or free) tickets to our Annual EPIC Field Trip (typically Out-of-State).
  3. Yearbook: Each family receives a complimentary yearbook.  Each child has a full page dedicated to them in the yearbook.
  4. Homeschool Hangout: Members of the network get access to our weekly homeschool hangouts (face to face or virtual).
  5. Webinars: Members get access to our webinar recordings to help inspire them in their homeschool journey.  
  6. Accountability: It’s hard doing homeschooling on your own!  Sometimes you just need support. Get support and be supported by a community of homeschool moms in a tangible way every week. Members get free access to the Weekly Homeschool Accountability Group (Virtual) for one year.
  7. Discounts on Services: Members of the network get discounts on HSLDA Membership as well as Standardized Testing Administration with The Study Hall Education Consulting Company, LLC. Members also receive a Teacher Identification Card for Discounts with local service providers (printed from our website).
  8. Scholarships: Members are eligible to apply for one of our three scholarships: the academic scholarship; the materials scholarship which provides resources to families in need; the entrepreneurial scholarship to encourage students to pursue their dreams beyond the traditional classroom.
  9. Recognition: Every year we have our Annual Awards Ceremony where we recognize our children for their achievements in their homeschool. 
  10. Empowerment: You are part of a larger community.  You are empowered in your homeschool journey.

