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Helping Hundreds of Families Homeschool with Confidence & Clarity

EPIC Homeschool Network, started in 2016 has been serving in the homeschool community with field trips, events, and homeschool resources to help families homeschool with confidence and clarity.

Why Us

Pageviews: 72K

Email audience: 3.4K

Open rate: 37.9%

Facebook page likes: 1.5K

Facebook Group Members: 3.2K

Advertising Packages

Dedicated Email Newsletter

Provide us with your images, video, text, and links you want shared in a dedicated email to our mailing list.

Ad Placement in Email Newsletter

Provide us with all the information you would like shared in one of our Monday or Friday email newsletters.

Dedicated Social Media

Provide us with a square image, text, and links you would like shared on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and we will post it during a high-traffic time on our feed.

Dedicated Social Media Post & Story

Provide us with a square and story image, text, and links you would like shared on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and we will post it during a high traffic time on our feed plus as a story.

Let’s build something great together.