
EPIC HOMESCHOOL NETWORK INC. is a multicultural, faith-based educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Helping Families Homeschool with Confidence & Clarity.


Our mission is to enrich, enhance and empower home education in the community for all students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 in a nurturing environment.

The specific purpose of this organization shall be to:

  • encourage students to achieve academically through scholarships, programs and workshops.
  • provide field trips, summer camps and other extra-curricular activities to extend experiences beyond the classroom.
  • feature monthly topics to educate teachers and keep them up to date on trends in education.
  • create a home educator’s resource center.
  • empower parents to be on the front lines of their child’s education through programs.

While EPIC Homeschool Network, Inc. is primarily for home schoolers it is not exclusively for home schoolers. We support anyone who home educates (whether they attend public/private school or are homeschooled). We believe that “a child educated only at school is an uneducated child” (George Santayana).