Local Resources


Cobb County Enrichment/Recreation Programs

Cobb County has a wealth of programs ranging from athletics to artistic.  To view all the listings go to https://cobbcounty.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=282&Itemid=353

Face-to-Face Classes & Co-op

There are many online options to support homeschooling but what about some good ole fashion face to face options?  While EPIC Homeschool Network offers field trips and enrichment activities, we do not offer formal classes (right now).  So if you find yourself needing some face to face Georgia homeschool academy options, we have compiled a simple list.  Click on the following link to view: https://epichsn.com/2019/03/13/face-to-face-homeschool-academy-options-georgia/